Why the site looks this way
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There are three key reasons as to why I've chosen the new design for my website to be modeled after older iOS applications.

If you couldn't already tell by the overall design of the website, it looks like the interface for a pre-iOS 7 app. This is simply because I like the design of said interface, (frutiger aero rules!) and wanted to recreate it without having to go through early versions of X-Code and SDKs.

The development of iG3L is something I've actually had in mind for several years, but was too lazy to start development of, and on top of that, I didn't know where to begin.
I had been looking through many forums for any sort of extracted UI images, and would only come across lazy PSD recreations, and with no experience in Adobe PhotoShop, I'd give up.
Eventually, I got curious, and decided to check out the original 2008 Cydia website through the WayBack Machine, and realized that I could rip the CSS styling using inspect element with my browser, which led me to come across "iPhone.css", which I began to tinker with. In May of 2024, I decided to put the modded version to use, and began improving it to fit my needs, leading to the development iG3L, a iOS-like style sheet for websites.

What I want iG3L in the longrun is a development tool, of sorts.
I want people to be able to freely use it for whatever they want, whether that be web-development, nostalgia stuff, or actual app development! Use it for anything, I don't care. As long as you credit me!
(And Jay Freeman for the original, of course. :})

Development of iG3L is far from over, in fact, it's just began. I plan on improving upon Freeman's original iPhone.css by adding more features and functions, and making it even more similar to a native iOS application. Source code for iG3L is available on a link on the homepage.